An Awesome story of horses and healing

By Bill Kovarik
Reggie feared horses.
The 17 year old girl came from an abusive family, and she was fine, mucking out stalls and doing chores — so long as the horses kept their distance.
Awesome Gal, a rescued Tennessee Walker, cowered in her stall whenever Reggie or other people came near. Awesome had also been abused.
Both girl and horse worked on a farm with Deborah Ring, who watched, over the winter months, as an unlikely friendship evolved.
“I think the turning point came when Reggie was cleaning manure from a field,” Ring said. “Reggie was approached by other horses, and turned and ran, jumping over the fence.” Awesome Gal saw the horses threatening Reggie and galloped over to protect her, Ring said. Read More “An Awesome story of horses and healing”